History made as WHA75 Adopts WHO Sustainable Financing reforms through an article Co- Authored by Prof. Attiya Waris

On 24 May history was made when the seventy-fifth World Health Assembly (WHA75) adopted WHO (world Health Organisation) sustainable Financing reforms proposed through an article published in the Journal The Lancet and co-authored by our very own Prof Attiya Waris and others Lancet is one of the world's leading medical journals,

JIAS Actuvirtual Symposium: ‘Affective Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Pan-Africanist Pushback’

Is law the only possible way to imagine justice? What is affective justice? Is it a failure if we attempt to bring about a fusion between legal justice and affective justice? How are we to understand the intimate relation between law and politics in the twentieth and twenty-first century? Must the International Criminal Court remain the most authoritative (global) institution to understand political violence in the continent of Africa? Must the survivors of state violence in the continent of Africa be indebted to the International Criminal Court for its promise of justice?