Student Recognition Awards: Celebrating Edgar Odongo Ochieng

On Friday, May 5, 2023, the University of Nairobi held a student recognition award ceremony to honor over 700 students who have performed exemplary in various categories. 

Among the award recipients on this auspicious occasion was Edgar Odongo Ochieng who received several awards for the best overall student in academic performance at the Faculty of law 2021/2022 Academic Year.

in a brief interview Edgar expounds more and what the future holds for him:

Dr. Kariuki Muigua- Leading Lawyer, Dispute Resolution: Band 1

In 2023 Chambers and Partners, the world's leading legal ranking and Intelligence Company ranked Dr. Kariuki Muigua Ph.D. in Band 1 of Dispute Resolution (Arbitration). The ranking recognizes the Top Arbitrators in Kenya noting that he is “highly recommended as a leading lawyer, astute understanding of arbitration, respected for his handling of litigation,” and having a practice that touches upon commercial, constitutional and environmental law.