
the 26th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court competition

The Faculty of Law Mooting Team Participated in the 26th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court competition held at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport, Florida on April 7–9, 2022.

As the Only team representing Africa the team performed exceptionally well to reach the quarter Final rounds, and proceeded to win the Best Memorial Category against all the other eleven teams’ memorials in the International Finals. Aska Judith Amor was ranked 6th Best Oralist in the competition.

This is the third time the school has participated in the Stetson Moot. The first time the school won the spirit of Stetson Award. Second time travel plans halted due to Covid-19 pandemic. In runner up to the Stetson competition the team participated in internal competitions which they won and submitted both Applicant and Respondent memorials for assessment to the Stetson Moot Court Competition Committee.  Other memorials submitted from the other African universities, the Stetson Moot Court Competition Committee determined that the University of Nairobi legal briefs/memorials were the best and thus qualified them to represent not only the University of Nairobi but also the African continent in the International Finals held at the Stetson University College of Law in Florida.

The competition involved two categories both oral and written; written category involves conducting extensive research on a hypothetical question formulated by the Competition Committee. Legal drafting of briefs/memorials follows the research.

Oral category entails actual advocacy before a panel of judges in a mock court setting where counsels/agents (two team members) get the opportunity to represent either the applicants or respondents in the hypothetical case arguing against another team in the competition representing the other party. Judges engage the counsels by asking questions related to their presentation as well as the whole issue under adjudication.

The competitors were drawn from 12 universities  across the globe;

  • Universidade Presbidsteriana Mackenzie, (Brazil),
  • St. Thomas University (Canada),
  • Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Columbia),  
  • Law Society of Ireland (Ireland),
  • University of Nairobi,
  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico),
  • University of Cebu School of Law, (Philippines)
  • University of the Philippines College of Law (Phillipines),
  • Soongsil University College of Law, (Korea)  
  • Singapore Management University,
  • Institute of Professional Legal Studies at Queen's University Belfast, (United Kingdom) and
  • University of Illinois Chicago School of Law (United States)

The excited team consisting of Aska Judith Amor, Muindi Charity Munai, and Issak Mohammed Abdi noted this is not just a win for them but also for the university. “we are humbled and motivated to always aim at doing the very best in our careers and personal endeavors. The win opens numerous career opportunities for the team in international law matters and has greatly help build our resumes that will come in handy as all the team members are in their final semester and will complete their final exams next month.

The University’s reputation will continue to grow as the win demonstrates its ability to nature and produce excellent students who can match other intellectuals’ abilities in an international plane. Other students also feel motivated to enroll in future moot competitions which will diversify learning in different fields of law in the university”.

The University through the moot court society is currently preparing students for the All-Africa Moot Competition. Others include Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition (ICRC), Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot (FDI), The John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition (WTO) and International Criminal Law Moot Strathmore.


