The Dean, Faculty of Law, Prof Winnie Kamau, would like to announce the promotion of Dr Collins Odote to the position of Associate Professor of Law.

In addition to responsibilities at the Faculty of Law, Prof Odote has recently taken up responsibility as interim chairperson of the Association of Environmental Law Lecturers in Africa (ASSELLAU), a network focusing on capacity building, research and knowledge exchange amongst universities and lecturers on teaching of environmental law in Africa. He is currently leading negotiations with UNEP for support for the 5th Scientific Conference of ASSELLAU in early, 2022.
We at the Faculty of Law join in to extend our hearty congratulations to Prof. Odote, who is also the Associate Dean. He previously served as Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP).
Congratulations Prof Odote. We are happy to be associated with you!